Storage on the Google Cloud
1. IT will turn off feature of each bookmark being its own recording.
2. Court reporting personnel (CRP) will log into Liberty Recorder at the beginning of each court session.
CRP will bookmark each case in the session, with at least notes for
a. Other cases/defendants heard at the same time
b. Names of parties present
A new recording should be made for each session. As possible, recordings should be separated by retention requirements, so that audio can be disposed of as the schedule allows:
a. Probate, Adoption and Criminal Cases are retained permanently
b. Civil, Small Claims and Traffic have different retention requirements and should be maintained separately if possible.
3. For a session involving a longer hearing (trial, suppression hearing, etc.) CRP will log components to hearing as directed in CRP manual.
(link) B. Monitoring and Logging | Nebraska Judicial Branch
4. CRP will upload sessions from Liberty Recorder to Google “Share With Me” Drive at the end of the day, but at least within 48 hours.
5. Google Drive (“Shared With Me” folder) should be organized with the following folders:
a. Digital Recordings by Courtroom or Judge (as appropriate for each court)
Recordings by session or case number and name
b. Exhibits scanned or received electronically
Folder labeled with case number and name
Exhibit by number